Version Française

Legal mentions


The limited liability Chips Maison (CMJ SARL) company with a capital of 100000€

Head office situated 2 rue des Carrières, ZAE du Mijoulan, St Georges d’Orques(34680) – France, and registered under the number 334 314 432 at the Register of commerce and companies of Montpellier(France)

Publishing director: Yvan Morales, Managing Director.

Web contents:
CMJ SARL endeavours to insure the exactitude and the updating of all the information on this site. It reserves all rights to alter its content at any time and without prior notice.

CMJ SARL declines all liability:

-  For any mistakes, inaccuracy or omission of the information on this website.

-  For any damages caused by an outside fraudulent intrusion having led to the alteration of informations.

-  For any online interruption of the website.

-  For the appearance of any internet bugs.

-  And more generally, for any damages direct or indirect, from whatever reason, origin, nature or consequences and including mainly any loss of data or any
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French and International legislation copyright and intellectual property apply to the entire website. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents, iconographic and photographic representations.

The reproduction in full or in part of this site on any other electronic medium is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the publishing director.

In application of the law of March 11, 1957(art.41) and the Intellectual Property Code of July 1st 1992, any partial or complete reproduction for collective use is strictly forbidden without the agreement of SARL CMJ.

The internet website (texts, visuals, photos, etc…) constitutes a protected work in France by the Intellectual Property Code and abroad by the international conventions on copyrighting. The violation of any of these rights is an offence liable to prosecution.

The resulting files are never transmitted to any third parties. Particularly, we do not commercialize any address or mailing lists.

The CMJ SARL authorized the implementation of a hyperlink to its content but only subject to:
- The “deep linking” technic not being used so that all the website pages must be accessible by the opening of a new window and not be interlinked within the pages of another website.
- The mentioning of the source pointing to the exact content via a hyperlink text
- The use of the information for personal purposes only.
- Any commercial or marketing use being excluded.
Please note! This authorization does not apply to Internet sites that disseminate information of polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature or that, could, in general be deemed to offend the larger public.

For any other use, please contact us.

Scope of contents:
The available informations on this website are of indicative value only.

The website may include links to other sites or internet sources. CMJ SARL cannot control theses external sources. And therefore cannot be held responsible for the contents, advertising, products or services available on or from these sites or other sources.

All unauthorized use constitutes an infringement sanctioned by law.

In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6th 1978 with regards to information technology and protection of liberty, you have the right to access stored personal information. You can also change or delete these informations. Please contact us at the following address:

CMJ SARL, Yvan Morales, 2 rue des Carrières, ZAE du Mijoulan, 34680 Saint-Georges d’Orques – France

Host :
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – France

Website design :
Groups C2 360, 2 avenue Esla Triolet, 13008 Marseille



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ZAE du Mijoulan
2, rue des Carrières
34 680 St Georges d’Orques

Tel. 04 67 75 11 12
Fax. 04 67 45 00 06
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